Saturday, August 11, 2012

fitting for today.

A reminder from Rhi, one of my favorite freelance illustrators 
(make sure you check out her ellolovey collection on Etsy). 

We are so afraid of risk-taking -- choosing to stick with the commonplace and known instead of free-falling into adventure.  In a lot of ways, it's easier to know what you can expect, even if it's painful, than to dive into something different and not know the outcome, not know the kind of pain that you might endure.

It seems that someone out there is set on reminding me to continue taking risks -- but those risks don't need to be big ones.  My risk today?  Choosing to trust in my own decisions instead of letting what others might think determine my own worth.  It took a total of 30 minutes (for those who aren't eternal ruminators, it would probably take a lot less time) -- and a whole lot of internal reminders.  But, for me, it was a risk, something out of the ordinary -- and, oddly, it gave me a boost of energy and a depth of confidence that calmed me.  

What risks are you taking?  What risks do you wish you could take?

* k *

1 comment:

  1. hi Katie -- thanks for this reflection. I feel like I often get caught in a circle of well what might they think if I do this? or that? ... often I'm not sure if I even realize how much I let what others might think affect me.
    my most recent risk -- moving back to dc for my honey to start his masters, and now i'm job hunting. yikes! scary ... but so far life giving :)
