Monday, April 22, 2013


Photo by P. McCarthy

I sat down to write... and all that emerged was gratitude.  I wanted to find the newest research or seek out the deepest reflection... and all that I could see was appreciation.

As I drove to work this morning, all 10 minutes of my daily commute, my thoughts did not drift to to-do tasks or grocery lists.  As I sat down for dinner, it was not the food on my plate that I consumed.  It was an overwhelming, undeniable, completely encapsulating thankfulness.

For some reason -- maybe it is because I have written on the subject of gratitude before, or maybe it's some lofty expectation that I have for myself -- I did not think that it passed muster for a blog post.  For some reason, I told myself that the expression of gratitude was, inexplicably, not enough.

But, for me, right now, it is more than enough.

I am grateful for, and so utterly aware of, 
the steps along the path that prepared me for this moment. 
I am grateful for friendships that, despite time, distance, and change,
are founded in pure love.
I am grateful for goodnight kisses and good morning 'I love you's'.
I am grateful for cuddles with puppies and kitten kisses.
I am grateful for the challenge, for those that disagree.
I am grateful for family, for love, for knowing how to heal each other.
I am grateful for best friends, for old friends.
I am grateful for vegetable gardens and moments connected to the earth.
I am grateful for long walks and spontaneous sprints.
I am grateful for the taste of celery... weird, but true.
I am grateful for those that inspire me, 
even when they have no idea that they do.
I am grateful for lectures, and books, and homework.
I am grateful that family is only a plane ride away.
I am grateful for passion and drive.
I am grateful for sweet puppy dog snores.
I am grateful for sunlight and moonlight and stars.
For clear nights and blue skies.
I am grateful for my little mountain-top home.
I am grateful for you.

Thank you for allowing me to come into your lives and speak about the things that inspire me, challenge me and move me to change - it is an incredible gift.

As I close every post, my curiosity is always piqued. What about you? What moves you, inspires you, challenges you, drives you? What are you grateful for today, in this little moment?

a treat for your ears

It is neither here nor there, but I am over the moon for this little morsel o' goodness. I hope that it brightens your Monday as much as it does mine. xo

Thursday, April 11, 2013

in a world of excess

America is a nation of paradoxes.  We work ourselves sick to make money... only to spend that money to get healthy again.  We seek connection in social media... only to lose the ability to truly connect to the world around us.  It reminds me of George Carlin's "The Modern Paradox":

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers,
wider freeways but narrower viewpoints.
We spend more but have less.
We buy more but enjoy less.
We've added years to life but not life to years.

In my nutrition classes, we learn time and again how the modern American diet -- an excess of sugar and preservatives -- is leading us to become an overweight, overmedicated population.  We learn about how our culture of excess has led to unconscious bingeing and convenience consumption.  But on the flip side... we are a nation with 16 million underfed children.

A few days ago, as I was searching for new recipes on some of my favorite food blogs, I stumbled across an internet-wide event sponsored by The Giving Table, an organization whose purpose is to empower others to "Do Good with Food."  

I know that I am a little late.  The event -- in which over 200 food bloggers posted budget-friendly recipes that cost $4 or less, the average amount that participants in our nation's food stamp programs receive per person per day -- commenced this past Monday.  But it provided a much needed wake up call... a reminder of the flip-side of our consumer culture.  It reminded me of the ever-widening gap in both wealth and wellness within our society and my responsibility to reflect... and act.  The honest truth is that food insecurity, which impacts 48.8 million Americans, is about a lot more than food.  It affects health, education, socioemotional learning.  And, in a nation of excess... well, it's unacceptable.

I wanted to leave you with a beautiful piece that I discovered as a part of Food Bloggers Against Hunger!  Have a beautiful weekend, my friends. xo

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

musical reflections: guest blogger

In a sea of junk mail and over-zealous mass marketing, my favorite emails to receive (other than your comments, of course!) are those that come from my youngest sister, who is - at the age of twelve - the most perfectly ridiculous and creative little spitfire I've ever met (don't tell her I told you...).  Each week,   she sends a different combination of family members -- parents, sisters, brother, our sweethearts -- the best emails in the world.  Sometimes absurd and other times reflective, she continues to amaze me with her imagination, complete ridiculousness and depth.

Instead of our usual toliveboldly post, the little spitfire has given me permission to repost one of my favorite emails.  Whether or not you connect with the message or feel the same way, I find myself deeply inspired (and unbelievably proud) by the depth and passion behind her reflection.  Without further ado, please help me welcome our first guest blogger: the infamous "Yoshi" Krueger**!!!

**Obviously not her real name... though I'm pretty positive that she wishes it was.


I've got an inspiration about something. You know how I'm appalled about music not being in therapy, because it can positively effect a persons' mood?!
I was listening to Home by Phillip Phillips, when it got me inspired... listen to the song.
Close your eyes and let it fill you with it's melody.  It really does have an effect.
It's amazing what some lyrics and a melody will do to a person. It's truly inspiring.
The melody is simple with simple lyrics, but together they are perfect.
Music defines us.  It can effect us emotionally in ways that even the most aggravating person can't compete with.  It fills me with... joy, pride, happiness?
Watch August Rush, then you'll get a better feel for what it does. 
"It" meaning music. Any kind. It doesn't matter as long as it has an imprint on you.
Then hold onto that feeling and keep it with you for the rest of the day.
That's your homework.
1. Listen to Home by Phillip Phillips.
2. Really listen, but don't strain yourself.
3. Watch August Rush.
4. Find a piece of music or a song that will give you something to hold onto.
5. Keep that feeling for the rest of the day.
6. Email me back (or comment) and tell me what you feel.
Personally, I get this tingly feeling coursing through my veins.
That's what I'm talking about.
That sense of pride or hope.  It fills you.  It consumes you.
In a good way of course.