Monday, July 22, 2013

lovely, lovely love song.

Photo courtesy of Mary Lambert

She says, I smell like safety and home
I named both of her eyes, 'forever' and 'please don't go'

I have featured her poetry here before, and I am sure that most of you have heard her incredible voice emanating from the speakers on your radio... but Mary Lambert, the co-author of "Same Love," which went platinum just this past month, by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, is making some melodious waves herself in a release based on the same song. 

Whether you're gay, straight, or somewhere in between, "She Keeps Me Warm" puts words to love, with the graceful power of Mary's voice behind them.  It is intimate and deeply personal, resonating with the universal experience of being truly in love -- comfortable, life-giving, and exhilarating.  If you haven't had a chance to listen, do it. Listen, share, download.  And, if you have a moment, read her thoughts behind the release of this oh-so-personal single.

Friday, July 12, 2013

a beautiful conversation

To my dearest friends --

I wanted to pass this article along to you -- it is a strikingly beautiful piece about race, respect, history and humanity -- "Why I Don't Want to Talk About Race."  As always, I would love to know your thoughts, reactions, emotions and reflections!  If you enjoyed it, please pass it on!

Have a wonderful weekend!


balanced health

Each month, without fail, I have a financial panic attack.  My heart starts racing, my mind starts running circles around itself, my palms get a little sweaty.  All at once, I feel the desperate need to collect every bit of information on my financial status.  Check my online banking.  My page-long lists of everything that I expect to make from my job for the next 6 months and balance that with the minimum expenses for each month.  It's messy, complicated, and completely necessary to slow the sprinting thoughts in my mind.  I decide what I am going to save, how much I can spend and what my financial future looks like in 6 months time.

The funny thing is that, no matter where I have been in my career, whether I am making close to minimum wage or more than most 20-somethings expect to have, I have this monthly anxiety attack.  I can be beyond secure or barely scraping by, and, without fail, you'll find a peice of paper covered in dollar-amounts sitting on my desk every month. 

Truth be told, I am sitting in a good place most days.  I have come to recognize the patterns within my anxiety, and I have also come to understand that my relationship with money during these moments of panic is neither rational or healthy.  I am beyond grateful for parents and a sweetheart who straighten my head back on during these moments, who remind me that I have nothing to worry about, that I am young and financially secure, and that, should something happen, I have them to fall back on.  I am not alone.

Each of us have our own story, our own relationship with our finances.  This is just mine.  For some of us, we spend without worry.  For others, we scrimp and save, worrying about each penny.  For some of us, spending comes with immediate guilt, and, for others, the guilt comes once you return home.  Some of us spend to relax, and it's been proven that shopping relieves anxiety for many.  Others track every cent spent with an eagle's eye, carefully budgeting for each expenditure.  Each of us have our story.  And that's ok.

But to remain ignorant to our relationships with our finances would be a mistake, in my opinion.  To realize that we all have anxieties surrounding our spending, to be mindful of our innate financial priorities, and to realize that not everyone we meet will come with the same story... it's not only essential for knowing ourselves in a deeper way but is necessary to keep our relationships with our loved ones healthy and honest.  A striking and saddening number of romantic relationships end because of financial stressors, financial strain, and the unwillingness to delve into each others' financial stories to discover greater understanding.  Deep anxieties are masked by massive spending sprees, for some.  For others, life is restricted for fear of letting go. 

For me, today could have been one of those days.  To let anxiety rule my relationship with money and my life.  But I am working on cultivating health in that area of my life, something that has the potential to be transformative for my mind, body and the relationships with those that I love most.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

i haven't forgotten you!

I cannot believe that it has been a month since I last posted.  Please don't think that I have forgotten you, because I haven't!  It's just been an insane month, chock full of added responsibility and undeniable blessings -- with another job transition at work, hours of schoolwork (which I am regrettably behind on), a visit from my fabulous mother, and the healthy desire to care for myself and my relationships!  I promise that I will write more, but, until then, I'll be sharing with you with the brief moments of inspiration, reflection and wellness that pepper my busy days.

A special thanks to an IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) buddy for sharing this article with our cohort!  I would love to know your thoughts -- make sure that you leave them in the comments section below!

To make sure you don't miss a thing, follow me on Facebook!