Wednesday, September 5, 2012

to buy organic or conventional

For those of you who are interested in the organic movement, check out this article from the New York Times' wellness blog citing new research in the great debate!


  1. I keep seeing this everywhere! It's so funny, I have tried to buy organic in the past three or so years because of the earth and because of everything in conventional food. I never thought organic food was "more nutritious" only that I was protecting my body from all the stuff conventional food contains beyond the nutritional value! Have people really thought it was more or less nutritious this whole time? I think I am going to re-read Organic Manifesto!

    1. I had no idea that people believed it to be more nutritious until I read the article! However, I thought that the discussion about farm workers' health and the impact of pesticides was really interesting. Do you buy everything organic? Just some things? I have a list of fruits and veggies that I read once were better to buy organic, but everything I read seems to add another layer to the debate. Missing you, dearest and loving you more!

  2. This was certainly the best article I have read on the topic this week. This part summed it up for me..."It then becomes of a question of whether you are comfortable with the E.P.A. standards." I am NOT comfortable with it, and I think we all have to be our own advocates on this matter. No one is going to take care of me but me. I don't buy everything organic - I have the same list! The "Dirty Dozen!" I buy conventional broccoli as well as thick skinned fruits like oranges and watermelon. I try to do what I can though and SHOULD do more because of thing like this...

    ...another interesting article about pesticides and farm workers' health in Cambodia.

    I love the thoughtful discussions you are sparking through your blog, lovely!
