Sunday, June 9, 2013

eat local

Illustration credit: Ello Lovey
Make sure you check out her shop for amazing inspiration and beautiful prints 
(I have two in my home already)!

It's only been a few weeks since the weekly Farmers Market opened up for the summer season here in Flagstaff.  Not only does the market hold bushels full of delicious organic produce and artisinal treats, but eating local cuts down on both our cost and the cost to the environment!  Haven't had a chance yet to check out your local Farmer's Market? Check out Local Harvest for a list of Farmer's Markets and local farms near you!

Friday, June 7, 2013

love this

It's no secret that one of my favorite researchers, writers and storytellers is the lovely Brene Brown, who shares with us about the depths of shame, the reality of being in the arena and fighting the good fight of authenticity and compassion, and our own power to know and love ourselves.

I wanted to share with you Brene's own advice on how to cultivate vulnerability in your own life and who deserves to hear your story.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

the gift of siblings

Smack dab between Mother's Day and Father's Day, here is an article that celebrates the crazy ones that make us who we are, see us as we are, and love us as we are.

"With a friend, I have to be more articulate.  With my sisters (and brother), I can be my most primal self: inarticulate, childishly emotional.  I'll have a fight with my sister and say, 'O.K., I know we're in a fight, but I need your advice on something,' and we can just put the fight on hold. They're the only people in the world you can be your worst self with and they'll still accept you."

Monday, June 3, 2013

i'm doing something beautiful

"These animals... you gotta take care of them... and not eat them."