Tuesday, October 29, 2013

truth bomb

In both my personal and professional life, I subscribe to daily "Truth Bombs" from the always lovely and inspiring Danielle LaPorte.  Some days, they are too true to contain, and I want to share them with everyone I meet - and all of you!  Today is most certainly one of them.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

the autumnal blues

Despite that it is, in fact, one of my most favoritest times of the year (yes, I know, I made up a word), there is something about fall that brings out the blues in me.  Every year, without fail, October brings out a change in me that somehow mirrors the seasons -- a little chillier, a little more overcast.  A sneak peek into what it's looked like when I have, in fact, struggled with the creature that is depression.  And every year, I find that I try to deal with my blues by trying to hide them behind something else.  Shopping.  Eating.  Chick flicks.  Eating.

As you can see, in addition to my yearly patterns, my stress, anxiety and sadness cause me to call on my all-too-familiar coping mechanisms -- the ones that provide a surface-level mask to my emotion.  And I know that I'm not alone.  Maybe work is driving you crazy and all you want to do is bake and veg when you get home after your commute.  Maybe the chill in the air makes you want to stay in bed a little longer.  Maybe you're like me and the blues drive you to eat... well, anything.  Maybe you dive into a little retail therapy after a long week.  Maybe it's the couple glass of wine before bed. Whatever it is, you're not alone.

This year, foreseeing the annual autumnal blues, I've made it my personal mission to - rather than hide behind my coping mechanisms - to muster up some courage to feel and deal.  For me, that means being conscious of when I am feeling the most vulnerable, reaching for my support system, and sitting in the power of just feeling.  For me, that means taking a minute to think about why I'm reaching for that box of Junior Mints or craving that coffee or yearning to, well, escape.

Health is more than just what I eat and how often I workout.  It's more than the nutritional make-up of my lunch or how much protein I build into my day.  It's emotional, physical, spiritual, relational.  And to work for holistic health, healing and building every dimension of my life -- while there's no denying that it's very real (and sometimes painful) work to unmask and reveal -- means creating the space to reach my biggest, craziest, most wonderful dreams.  It's courageous, miraculous and the beginning of possibility.

How do you hide your blues?  What's stopping you from letting them be felt and seen and healed?  What dreams are yet to be explored in the unveiling?


For more like this, visit Wellness by Kate at www.wellnessbykate.com.