Saturday, May 25, 2013

one kitchen table at a time

Eat real food.
Not too much.
Mostly plants.
-Michael Pollan-

The food that we eat is changing.  Genetically modified produce and processed foods blanket our grocery story shelves - playing a role in over 85% of the foods in conventional grocery stores.  And, without awareness, we are allowing these foods to change the way that we eat, the way that we live, the way that our bodies function and respond.  The incidence of childhood food allergies are skyrocketing. The impact on our environment is irreparable.  And agri-commerce companies don't want you to know.

But things are changing.  Just this past week, Chipotle revealed its list of GMO ingredients, announcing plans to phase out their use in restaurants nationwide.  There are dozens of GMO-labeling bills working their way through our legislative systems, and Connecticut proved victorious in passing their own GMO-labeling bill just this past week.  Nationwide activism continues to put pressure on Washington to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act.  And countries around the world are rejecting the use of GMO crops, as evidenced by Hungary's recent burning of 1,000 acres of GMO corn.

We don't have to be blind consumers.  Our Food Industry relies on our continued support... and, with greater knowledge, more awareness and a commitment to the health of ourselves, our children and our world, we have the power to take a stand, one kitchen table at a time.

In honor of today's International March Against Monsanto, the world's most prominent agri-commerce giant and creators of Round-Up Ready crops and pesticides, I wanted to pass along two sides of the story.  Read up.  Watch the video.  Do your own research. Stand for real food.

READ --> "Listening to the Women of Monsanto."


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

violence & silence

Lots of videos, I know. But sometimes, the wisdom of others is too big to parcel out into a blog post.

ag-gag legislation

Whether you're a vegetarian, a vegan or a meat eater...
this impacts you.

Friday, May 3, 2013

just a step away

I have a confession to make. Seems like a regular thing here on toliveboldly, huh? But, as I am a fan of authenticity, honesty and vulnerability, I'm pretty much ok with the open-up-my-heart-and-spill thing.

Truth be told, as I run a wellness blog and am studying to be a Health Coach, it's a little embarrassing and a lot humbling, but... I suck at the health thing, sometimes.  There are days when it seems like, just as I've gotten on track with healthy eating, my exercise routine goes out the window.  Or days when my stress level coaxes me towards my fall-back comfort foods.  To be honest, there are evenings that cooking a healthy meal sends me off the deep-end, as my perfectionist tendencies rear up into anxiety-fueled tears, and afternoons where a latte from Starbucks sounds better than making a lunch.  Some nights, I fall asleep realizing that I haven't taken the time to feed my most fundamental needs - for communication, for spiritual balance, for movement and purpose. My guess is that you have your days, too.

But the beautiful part about wellness is that we are never more than a step away from making a healthy choice -- and not just physically, but emotionally, mentally, spiritually.  Instead of letting stress and anxiety trigger your unhealthy habits, take a relaxing walk, grounding yourself with each step.  Instead of planning a complicated meal, sure to raise expectations... and stress levels, keep it simple, know your limits, and cook with fresh foods and whole grains. 

There have been days where living an embodied, healthy life looked about as possible as scaling Mount Everest -- my desires to be strong, healthy, and fit were mixed in with a heaping dose of societal expectation, shame and self-doubt.  I felt as though, to change one thing, I had to change everything -- a task that seemed down right impossible. 

But, the truth is, it only takes one step to begin the journey to wellness.  Drink more water.  Take a walk around the block to de-stress during the workday.  Unplug before bed and take some time to cultivate your spiritual practice, whatever that may be.  Get a massage.  Cultivate your relationships.  Practice cooking with new foods -- increasing your intake of whole grains or dark, leafy greens or a new kind of protein (hint, hint, plants have protein, too). 

Our healthy choices don't have to be overwhelming. My challenge to you this month is to pick one thing, one achievable goal, and make it happen! Join with a friend, share here at toliveboldly -- use the momentum (and accountability) of others to encourage you to keep walking those steps toward wellness!

For me, this month is about getting back on track with exercise -- a part of healthy living that I am notoriously bad at! Each day, I have set a goal to sweat-a-day for the month of May.  Whether it's a brisk walk in the park with my dog, a 20-minute yoga workout, or a hardcore sweat-fest, by setting a daily, manageable goal -- and finding others to keep me encouraged and motivated -- I'm taking a step towards wellness.

What about YOU?!