Thursday, September 27, 2012

get up and move

Somehow, I managed to start autumn off on a rough note... with a sore throat and total lack of energy, but it's meant that this week has had a definite theme for me: getting and staying healthy.  This has resulted in me finding ways to workout despite the cold, forgoing the usual ramped up cardio workout for a low-key yoga session and biking or walking to run errands, eating healthy and, always, remembering to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

It's also meant a little extra time to do the personal research that I love -- finding new research, health tips and more -- which means that I get to pass them onto you!

As autumn ramps up with work, sports, school and more -- what are you doing to keep a fitness routine?!  I want to know!

Also, make sure you check out some of the benefits of an A.M. workout!


  1. Jogging. I hate gyms, and I don't have much time to get out by myself with three kids, but three days a week, I get up and run while the sun is coming up and my family is still sleeping. Even though it's hard to get out of bed, I love it when I do. I also do push-ups and crunches on those days.

    1. That's so impressive! How far do you get to run?! What inspires you?

      ... In my dream-life, I am a runner. But, alas, my body is not built for it! So jealous!
